Book Think Twice for your prison, halfway house, church, or sports team!
Create the Winning Team God's Way!
• Learn team sportsmanship
• Learn how the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Create the Winning Team God's Way!
• Learn team sportsmanship
• Learn how the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Reaching the forgotten and forgettable with a message that their tomorrow is better than their yesterday!
Discover the true message of hope and healing
Find out that with God there is always a second chance!
Learn to rid shame with one simple word: Forgiveness
Whole unit, small group pod ministry with messages that change hearts!
Godly Focus (Hebrews 12:2)
A Faith That Helps You Win (1 Chronicles 14:8-10)
A Vertical Mindset (Colossians 3:2)
Fighting to Finish Your Life the Right Way (2 Timothy 4:7)
Inmate at the GOREE unit:
“You saved two people today, Myself and another inmate who was a friend of a man that I killed is in this unit. Messages of a confrontation had been delivered and my next plan of action was to go through with it. You told us a story about being confronted with men with guns in 1988 and if that trigger had been pulled, you both would have missed out on eternal life because y’all were not saved yet. Today I said no more to that other inmate and I said that prayer for forgiveness and salvation. Thank you for helping me deal with my anger.”